Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Go Time

I called up one of my clients the
other day and asked her if she had any good
blog topics as I had run short of things to talk

I know it’s hard to imagine but it happens sometimes.

Anyway she gave me a motto that she sometimes uses:

'Just put on Your Shoes and Go!'

This really great especially since so many people drag their feet getting started with their fitness plan.

They are always waiting:

--Until after the holidays
--Until after their birthday
--Until after their company goes home
--Until after their vacation
--Until after their anniversary

Seriously, enough with the excuses

'Just put on Your Shoes and Go!'

The other people that need to take up this motto
are those that like to do research they want to know
and have everything just right the 'perfect plan' you know.

Sorry to burst your bubble, there is no perfect plan

My friend Dax likes to say

'no plan/program survives contact with the enemy'

What's happening to you is a little something
we like to call 'paralysis by analysis' and while
you are more knowledgeable than the fat turd of
a couch potato, your actions are the same.

You need to shut off your 'inner chatter box' and

'Just put on Your Shoes and Go!'

So if you can right now go to your bedroom
put on your workout clothes, shoes, and do something anything.

--Do some planks
--Do some lunges
--Do some squats
--Do some push-ups
--Do some jumps
--Go for a run

If you can't go right NOW make commitment to
yourself that no matter what you will do something TODAY!

--You can't be too tired
--You can't be too stressed
--You can't be too hungry
--Your favorite TV show can wait

Most of the time when I get a chance to do
my 100 reps of Kettlebell exercise, that I do
each and everyday.

I don't always 'feel like it' but
I do it even if it 9pm at night.

Because it is for me; because it is important too me.

In 56 days of doing this I have missed 1 day because
I forgot about it, I made it up double the next day and
kept moving.

So today know matter who you are or what your
level of fitness is get yourself up and

'Just put on Your Shoes and Go!'

Today You Can Get a Free Copy of the same

plan that result in a140lbs of Fat Loss

**Click Here**

Troy M Anderson

Arizona Personal Trainer

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