Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Have a Great Day!

We all have a not so great day's from time to time.

So today I want to share with you a little tip that I stumbled across a few weeks ago that can turn your day around in an instant.

I like to go into my e-mail distribution system and check and see who has opened and even better yet who has read the e-mails I send out.

I guess that is my little snippets of voyeurism.

Anyway the other day I saw that an old friend from college who doesn't usually read had opened her e-mail.

So I took a moment to send a short e-mail and say HI since it had been month's maybe even years since our last correspondence.

Then it happened.

She sent back an e-mail containing 5 little words that absolutely made my day.

Wanna know what they were?

'I am so proud of you'

Having someone say that with sincerity behind it absolutely made my day.

Pretty cool, eh?

5 simple words and you can brighten a person's day.

I am sure that some of you have are thinking what the hell does, saying something stupid like 'I am so proud of you' have to do with exercise, weight loss, fitness, etc....

And probably are on the verge of unsubscribing and that's ok I guess you just don't get it.

My answer is what Does it NOT have to do with exercise and fitness.

I literally felt like I could do no wrong that day, in business, in my workout, in everything.

Just think if we all handed out that simple 5 word compliment a little more often; how much more enjoyable a place the world would be.

Note: I have been practicing using this phrase as the ‘giver’ and it feels just
as good to tell it to someone else, as it does to receive it.

Ok enough Mr Softy, now get your ass back to work, pronto!!

Troy M Anderson
AZ Womens Fitness Bootcamp

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