Thursday, November 29, 2007

Welcome to the Anderson Training Systems: Standard of Excellence Blog

If you have read much of my writing you will know that I like to keep things short to the point and simple.

If you have not read anything that I have written, that is exactly what you can be prepared to read on a regular basis.

Oh, by the way if I get a chance to be a little edgy, and border line offensive I probably will; however this type writing always has a reason behind it and is always in the interest of getting across a message that is often the 'pink elephant in the corner'

So please don't take it personal, it is not meant to inflame but to get you to take BOLD and IMMEDIATE ACTION!

Keeping on the point of keeping things simple I was sitting here trying to think of a name for my blog, I thought about naming it after my bootcamp but I didn't, I thought about naming it after my company(boring), and then I asked myself what is the common thread that I alway try to convey to people and Standard of Excellence is the phrase that popped into my mind.

Though I can't really take all the credit as I listened to a colleague from the UK, Dax Moy speak a couple weeks ago, and he used the term excellence a lot in his talk with us; so I am sure I must have somewhere in my subconsicious fell in love with the term: excellence.

Rightfully so, it is a great term and something that we should all aspire towards, under the auspice of your own definition.

Please takes some time to read the dictionary definition below and reflect on what both terms mean to your heath and fitness as well as other areas of your life.

stand·ard –noun
something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model.

an object that is regarded as the usual or most common size or form of its kind: We stock the deluxe models as well as the standards.

a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment: They tried to establish standards for a new philosophical approach.

an average or normal requirement, quality, quantity, level, grade, etc.: His work this week hasn't been up to his usual standard.

Synonyms 1, A standard is an authoritative principle or rule that usually implies a model or pattern for guidance, by comparison with which the quantity, excellence, correctness, etc.

ex·cel·lence –noun

the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence: his excellence in mathematics.
an excellent quality or feature: Use of herbs is one of the excellences of French cuisine.

Synonyms 1. preeminence, transcendence, distinction. 2. merit, virtue.


Pride, Power, & Persistence