Sunday, January 11, 2009

Going to the Gym Doesn't Count

One of the questions I get from my clients and consultation that I do around this time of the year is: "Man I bet business is really busy right now" the short answer to that question is 'No'

So if my business isn't directly impacted by all these brand new resolutions then where are all these people going.

They have to be going somewhere right?

Sure, they are going to 'give it a try' at the commercial gyms and diet centers that are all around the country.

This brings me to what I really want to talk about today:

Gym Workouts
Going to the Gym
Hitting the Gym

Over the past few months it has come to my attention that when most people go to the gym:

The Worse case scenario is: there really isn't a whole lot getting done


The Best case scenario is: they are there doing the same thing that they have always done which is just another way of not getting much done.

The typical scenario I hear about and see goes something like this:

1. Get to the gym get on the treadmill and plod along at a very slight pace

2. Get off treadmill walk around trying to decide what else you might do. Decide that the free weight area is too busy, even though there are only 3 teenage boys in there doing bicep curls

3. Dabble around on couple of the shiny machines that you think you remember you how to use from your orientation for a couple sets using horrendous technique and a weight that only your 85yr old mother could be proud of.

4. Get on the recumbent bike to 'cool down' and head home

Guess what I am trying to say is that it completely alludes me why it is that so many flock to the gym especially during this time of year.

I understand that this is the #1 perceived place where exercise should occur.

I get that

But why pay the price of time and money, for such a paltry results.

How do I know that time is being wasted and progress isn't being made

Because sometimes some of these regular 'gym goers' end up in my facility and performing some of even the most basic skills that are requisite for my clients are very challenging.

Drills like planks, push-ups, lunges, squats and presses.

This why so many highly focused yet very short workout programs give people results that they have never dreamed of with their current workout.

It is exactly why 30 even 15 minute workout can be effective.

30 minute workouts like my fat loss classes get more people a greater result in less time than a gym workout would ever dream of.

Regardless of whether you would ever train with a fitness coach.

Why would one want to continue to waste so much time & money.

When you could simply:

--Walk or even Run Outdoors
--Do some push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks

--No equipment needed

--No time or money wasted

--And no guilt for not using you membership

Want to really get into it buy a pair of 10,20 or even 30lb dumbbells for like $10-30 and try some exercises from this month's Men's or Women's Health Magazine

Like I told my mother-in law last night, who lives in cold snowy Wisconsin, and can't got outside during this time of year and is contemplating buying a treadmill and an elliptical.

I said why not just walk up and down the flight of stairs that she has inside her home. Sure that might get a little monotonous but hey isn't that the same thing you do on the treadmill or elliptical.

Want spice it up thrown in some bodyweight calisthenics at the top and bottom.

The point I am trying to make you really don't need a gym membership to get 'in shape' you don't really need a coach either.

However what you do need is a plan which is exactly what you should get from your coach.

So save yourself some time, money, and frustration, and just train out at home it will work.

In the past I have given Walking the label of 'Non-Exercise' from this point forward

'Gym Workouts' Don't Count.

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Arizona Fat Loss Class

Troy M Anderson

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