Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's Your Comfort Food

Have you ever had that feeling?

You know the one where it feels like someone/something
just ripped out your stomach and heart.

Spit on them and then proceeded to tap dance them to a pulp.

Yeah, that feeling usually reserved for love struck teenagers.

Well I had it happen to me yesterday. I won't bore you with the details so I will give you a quick run down.

A project that I had put in a good bit of work on got absolutely gutted,from toe to top, and then some.

Some of this 'gutting' was absolutely deserved on my part.

However that did little to squell the shaking, loss of appetite and inability to focus that I was under going,as I was sat there listening real time.

Honestly, for a couple moments I began to seriously question my worth as a professional.

I would have to rate yesterday in top 3 for absolute worst days I have had as professional.

As numerous thoughts began to flash through my head at warp speed.

- Should I go buy some sort chocolate chip cookie and sooth myself.


-Should I go by a nice cold green tea, and kick my adrenline levels even higher then watch/feel them divebomb back to sub-earth.


There was really one thing I could do

-Go Train

Funny thing is I really didn't want to train.

When I got to back to the facility I really felt like
just lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

Which I did for a couple minutes


Then I dragged my sorry ass up off the floor
started and warming-up and got into my session.

By the time the session was done 90 minute later
I had worked up a good sweat, had had an above average lift,
mentally I was still a little bit of a mess(still am today actually),
and something else started to take hold.

I call it the: Go 'F' Yourself Attitude, this is the attitude just a little beyond the, Can Do Attitude.

You know the one when people tell you, your stuff sucks or that you'll never be able to do something.

Yeah that attitude.

The one focused in on destroying the hurt.

The one that rings in your ears and gets you out of bed everyday.

That one.

I can still hear it 24 hours later, and if I ever forget it
I can go pull it up off the internet.

There are two morales that I hope you picked out already, just in case you didn't here you go:

1. Food or drink are NOT making it any better. Comfort food is BS and it sucks. Get your butt in the gym instead and don't let your stressor hold you back.

2. The go 'F Yourself Attitude' is very powerful if you channel it and if you let it work for you.

Thanks for the gutting

Let's not end the day on a bad note check out the inspirational video. Best Youtube video I have watched in a long time.

Troy M Anderson

Tempe Fitness Boot Camp

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is It OK to be Competitive??

'I am not competitive'

I hear this so much it makes me want to puke.

For the most part I don't hold the people verbalizing this too blame they are merely reacting to what has been drummed into them over and over again by various societal forces.

The part of this that I find so irritating is that is basically cutting the legs out from under anyone who is really shooting for success.

Because that ‘little voice’ is always there in the in the back of their mind saying:

‘you aren't competitive’

‘ you don't want to be competitive that's not what good boys/girls do’

This really sucks, no matter how hard someone may try, that little voice is always there sabotaging them.

Being competitive has far greater implications than fat loss and physical training.

Let me illustrate by telling a personal story, I grew up on a farm and on farms there are trees, and some times trees have branches that fall to the ground.

It just so happens when you grow up on 1500 acre farm there are lot of damn tress and hence a lot damn dead branches on the ground.

Well my dad used to think it was a good idea that me and my sister go out and pile up these branches that have fallen to the ground, and boy did I hate this task.

Even at 9 or 10 years old I was fully aware that this was an absolutely asinine and never ending job.

Kinda like digging a hole in the sand, it's just impossible to get ahead.

However, there is a take home lesson so pay attention.

I remember on multiple occasions usually after we had just completed a shoddy job of 'picking up sticks' my dad would come out to inspect and usually commence to give his 'talk' about trying to be the best and the fastest at whatever you do.

Well this sounds stupid to a 10 yr old being told to pick up sticks in what seemed to be a never ending sea of sticks.

But 20 some years later those lessons of trying to be the very best at whatever I have on my plate, have served me very well.

Funny thing is I am not sure if Dad intended for it to turn out this way or not.

None the less it worked.

So Thanks dad.

Hopefully that little illustration has set the stage for how being competitive serves us in our attempts for MAJOR accomplishments in health and fitness.

I have two clients that swear that 'they are not competitive' interestingly enough they are both women, in which case I do believe that their perspective has been shaped by the society we live in.

Funny thing is, one of them gives me direct feedback that she is direct competition with younger people at her job who are trying to beat her out for a desirable position.

Sure sounds like being competitive to me.

The other lady is would appear seemingly non-competitive, except for the fact she talks trash when she gets into competitive environment.

It is very intriguing to hear one type of verbal statement and then to see or hear activity that is directly counter to that statement.

I have to believe that many people have or had someone else place a glass ceiling over their head when it comes to being competitive in an activity of a physical nature.

All you really need to know is that it is OK to take out a 15lb sledge hammer and absolutely annihilate that glass ceiling.

If you don't the only thing that is will be stalled is your PROGRESS.

My final lessons in this long winded blog is:

In order to be the BEST at ANYTHING you have to be competitive, brutally competitive in fact.


There is nothing wrong with being the BEST.



Troy M Anderson

Tempe Fitness Boot Camp

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Home Gyms - What Why When

A couple weeks ago I had one of my client's sons come out and do some work at my house.

Part of the work for that day entailed tidying up my garage which also happens to double as my home gym.

Yeah the whole thing my wife, she kind of has this gym equipment fetish.

Anyway, we got the place cleaned up and I didn’t think anything of it.

The young man evidently did.

Since he proceeded to tell his mother and the rest of his family about this home gym, so much so that they eventually had to tell him to, shut up.

I hadn't really thought a whole lot about it but I really do have a pretty sweet set up, and all of it was purchased on the cheap.

To go along with her equipment fetish my wife is a bargain shopper too.

So check out the video below to get a sneak peak of what my home gym looks like.

By the way probably the most important factor of any home gym is:



Troy M Anderson

Tempe Women's Fitness Boot Camp

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How I Saved a Little Girl's Life

I thought I would share a little story with you today about how simple it is to change one's perspective on an activity in a very short period of time.

This is a story about how one little girl's perspective of fitness changed in a matter of minutes.

A few weeks back my dragged my wife out to the local high school track early one sunday morning to shoot some video for a project that I am working on.

Generally the track is pretty quite but we had gotten off to a late start so it was a little busier than usual at the track.
In particular there was a young family mom and dad probably in their mid-30's with to young girls probably 7 and 10.

It was obivous that mom was really trying to get a workout in and dad was just trying to do a little something while keeping a close eye on the kids.

It wasn't too long before the youngest girl started carrying on how she was bored and she didn't 'want' to run.

As they faded away from us on another lap around the track I could tell that this was only going to get worse.

Sure enough as they came back around the track, there were tears and a near full on temper tantrum.

My wife taking pity on the poor parents and wanting to lend them a hand, had noticed the girls eye balling her pink kettlebell and was going to take it over and let them play with, but I told that might not be so wise and a little heavy for them.

So I reached in my bag and pulled out a reaction ball that I had with me and my wife approached the young girls and started to play with them.

With a look of relief mom and dad both continued on there workout.

This little play session last another 10 minutes or so with the young girls squealing with joy.

I finished my workout and it was time to go home and my wife was wrapping up her 'play' session when the young girl proclaimed 'let's go run' to which the old sister replied with an astonished tone 'she wants to go run' and off they went.

But not before I told my wife to give them the $3 reaction ball.
I figured if I could have any a small impact like that at an early age it might just be worth.

As we packed up our gear and headed toward the truck we could hear the little girls running up to their parent telling them
'Look, they gave it to us'.

Kind of makes you feel good and hopeful.

That little girl turned from anti-fitness to wanting to go run in a matter of 10 minutes.


Because she started having fun, she was exposed to a new challenge and it inspired her to do more.

All of that is a snapshot of exactly what happens to most adults they, paint themselves into a corner with boring old mundane exercise, get on the treadmill, go through the machine circuit, how freaking boring.

There are a lot of different ways to exercise out there don't paint yourself in corner.
Changing up your routine, it's one of the quickest ways to insure that you:
Get off the couch
Back to making progress towards your goals

Troy M Anderson