Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Price of Pain

Quote of the Day: 'Life is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it,'-- Lou Holtz

I love when readers send me questions to answer here’s
to a question my friend Lisa A.

She has friend who has been in chronic pain for quite
a long time, can’t move, had de-mobilizing surgery,
and prescribed pain meds that
help the pain but produce ancillary weight gain.

A-#1-Numero Uno – Always consult your Physician
this critical important

Beyond that I am going to share a tip or two with
you that if you are in this type of situation or
any other that will allow the opportunity for success.

I am guessing this individual has not exercised in
a long, long time.

So now you want to make a decision to take
some degree of control back.

What do you do?

Living in pain/fear seems to be very good at
eating away one’s soul and leaving us scared and
confused about what we can do.

So at this point in time I would say there
are 2 guiding protocols:

1. Any stimulus is new and good stimulus; no
matter, how long, how hard, or how intense

You can NOT compare ‘what you used to do’
this a new point in time and starting from

Gotta accept it, take it on and succeed.

2. Whatever you choose to do must NOT make your pain worse
if it does search out something else. There’s
a lot stuff out there and with the internet a ton
of it is at your finger tips and free.

I must say that have been lucky enough to never
know this type of pain. That being said
I have seen and been exposed to what it does to

I do know a couple things

1. Ultimately we are all in control of our of
our health. We call the shots; the Dr.’s
give us advice we make decisions. I watched
my wife going through cancer do this amazingly
well. It works.

2. Pain and Self Care are both easy to ignore early
on but undoubtedly lead to two different paths.

Pain does NOT go away with rest, it is usually

It can be managed and maybe go away with self-care

3. Ultimately we will be led 1 of two choices

a. Medical Intervention – sometimes successful sometimes not

b. Pro-Active Self Care – depending on when one comes to this
decision it may or may not be a viable option.

Self care is best initiated early, subsequently the longer self care has been ignored, it will exponentially effect amount of time it takes for self-care to be successful

(when I say self care I am not talking about voodoo, witch
doctor stuff I am talking about research and education learning
about your condition and testing what might be a good way to help
you. Although nothing should be discounted if it works for you

Self-care takes more total investment of: time, ought of pocket
money, emotion, your beliefs, all of it.

When you get to the self care phase you will have reached the
phase of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

And you are going to do something about it, guess that’s what it’s called

So long story short of it I would say movement as much
as you can as long as it doesn’t make things any worse

Look at various traditional and non-traditional treatments

Look at nutrition if you can’t exercise nutrition is a great
to become engaged with managing your health

Keep a journal so you KNOW, don’t trust your memory.

Turn your life into a progressive experiment
-- Test
-- Document
-- Learn
-- Repeat or Move-On

Choose variety of easy things a few examples might be

 Walking
 Riding a bike
 Qi Gong
 Tai Chi
 Deep Breathing
 Pre-natal Yoga(I say this specific to this instance because this type of yoga is very mild)
 Do step-ups on to a small platform maybe 6 inches or less
 Maybe some Isometric holds

This is just my simple observation and perspective on how one to can start to
manage pain and figure out what is going to work for them.

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