Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Army Fatness

Quote of the Day: If you can learn to juggle FIRE, the process of "going through hell" isn't nearly as bad

What does is it take to get into the military?

Evidently 47,447 individuals don’t a have a clue
as that is how many people were turned away
from the army last year because they were:

Too Damn Fat and Out of Shape!

I am very thankful that our army turned that
many people away from service and that there
are other patriotic and fit individuals willing
to sign up.

If they can’t get themselves together how
in the world are they going to be able to
serve the country.

I am a little surprised that it was a full 20%

Having been there done that and gotten the
PT badge I understand how truly challenging
taking a PT can be, that being said.

I also know that when I was going through
basic training I saw some very overweight
and de-conditioned people actually passed
the PT test.

Seeing all of the information about the army
turning away potential soldiers because
of their fitness was kind of ironic since
just last week I announced my version of the
the PT test.

The Exercise Contest.

I am back this week to share a little
with you a little video about how to perform
one of the events in the Exercise Contest
and give you a training challenge for the

The instructional video below will show
you how to do Javorek Sit-ups which will
be one of the events for the Exercise Contest

This Week's Challenge:

3 complete Alternating 1 minute Rounds

Javorek Situps

Count reps and tally total reps for both

Take a 1 minute rest interval in between
each completed round

Finish with 90seconds worth of planks
(go here if you don’t know what a plank is it

is the first drill in the sequence)

If you take on this challenge please
post a comment on the bottom of this
blog post or send me an e-mail with
your accomplishment.

Enjoy your challenge.

Need a Nutrition Plan? Start with Something

Troy M Anderson

Arizona Personal Trainer

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