This a Contrary Look at What Fat Loss Nutrition, based off of a discussion I had with a client at this morning's bootcamp.
If I would have had my audio recorder I would have recorded it, unfortunately I had my workout clothes on (no pockets)
Anyway, when most people tackle nutrition for fat loss/weight loss they go straight for calorie restriction that is actually the LAST nutritional aspect that should be adjusted.
The goals is always to EAT as MUCH as possible and still LOSE FAT!
So here is a simple hierarchy of how one should approach fat loss nutrition:
1. Quality of Content: Meaning that you should look to get all the crap comes in a box from coming into your body, i.e. food in boxes or bags OR food that contains content that come from boxes or bags.
A simple rule of thumb would that if it does NOT have a label it is probably good to eat, i.e. vegetables, fruits, eggs, lean meat protein, and some dairy.
2. Composition: You need to look at the ratio and relation of the food coming into the body most people are eating way too much carbohydrate and not nearly enough protein, when the come to meet with me initially.
Most of the carbohydrate can cleared up with the 'quality' adjustment.
For example, most women when they come in, are only eating 20-60 grams of protein, our initial goals is to get that number up to 100grams, and work from their.
By working on that we thus start to work the ratio of the carbohydrate, by simple transferring the the calories we used to consume as carbohydrate to protein, as they are an equal swap both have 4 calories per gram
If fat is for some reason high that that can be adjusted as well.
3. Calories: This is the last are to adjust. Reducing calories too early and by too much is the quickest way to a plateau there is.
Plus remember the #1 goal with fat loss nutrition: The goals is always to EAT as MUCH as possible and still LOSE FAT!
Plus calories literally = energy (no energy is not from a grande' starbuck's latte') at a point if you drop energy too low you workout INTENSITY will diminish signifcantly not a good situation at all.
Taking that in mind calorie restriction come last, and is a systematic adjust once we have run out of options with the exercise time allowance.
Upping exercise(interval or weight training preferrably) is the prefer way of creating caloric defeciet.
Calories are usualy only reduced by 200 per adjustment, at most.
To achieve most people's goals a deliberate calorie restriciton is rarely needed.
The most common class of individual that are/need to be exposed to calorie restriction are those under very tight schedule for acheivement aka actor, model, and fitness competitor types.
Hopefully this will shed some light on the proper process of fat loss nutrition and get those that have been misguided to move away from the failure paradigm of calorie restriction first.
Troy M Anderson
Arziona Personal Trainer
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