Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to Do the Perfect Push-up for Your Home Workout

Last week I was watching a little ESPN in between
sessions and I saw footage of the Dallas Cowboys

Specifically their recievers, they had done something
pretty cool and powerful for accountability; but in
the long run they screwed it up.

You see for every dropped ball that they had; they were
responsible for 25 push-ups.

This a perfect set-up and desirable or undesirable
activity and a consequence.

They unfortunately screwed it all up because
their push-up form was horrible my 4 month old daught could
do push-ups better than that.

What they did is ignored the detail(s) and in
doing so they turned something cool into something

If you are doing push-ups or any other type of
workout program in the gym or out home.

Pay attention to the details and try to get
better with your form each and every week.

Troy M Anderson
Tempe Boot Camps AZ
Personal Training Arizona Results Guaranteed

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tasty Low Carb Weight Loss Desert

So I was in mad scientist mode in my kitchen
last weekend and here's is what I came up with

The reason I was there was to try to come up
with a low carb bread/cracker/wafer like food
that my wife could use for here 'beloved' BLT

Since she is starting a transformatino contest
this week bread will be a strict no, no in our

Lose Weight at Boot Camp AZ
Women Only Workout with Personal Trainer AZ

Troy M Anderson

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who Put the Glass Ceiling on Your Weight Loss

Just a couple quick bits today
a wrap on the commentary on
Biggest Loser.

Insight into our boot camp
discussion about goals achievement
and procrastination this morning

You might Want to Check out Eat Stop Eat
a super simple weight loss protocol that
works. I know because I use it.

Troy M Anderson Personal Trainer AZ
Lose Weight and Workout at home

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2 Weight Loss Tips from the Biggest Loser

Ok I am testing doing a video blog

Please leave a comment
below and let me know if you
prefer this over a written blog

If you would like to Take the 'Brakes Off' and kick your
goal achievement into high gear

Take a look at the Magic 100 Goal Getting Program

Troy M Anderson
Home Fitness Workout