Sunday, June 8, 2008

Snake Oil vs Fish Oil

I like cowboy movies, and one of my all time favorite cowboy movies, is The Outlaw Josey Wales.

In the movie Josey is trying escape from his pursuers when he all the sudden finds himself being harangued by a classic snake oil salesman.

What was Josey's solution, spit a big wad of tobacco juice right on the lapel of the shiny white suit of that no good son of a gun.

Well sometimes I wish I could use the same kind of solution that Josey did when I am confronted with the modern day snake oil salesman.

The modern day snake oil salesman that I run into most is involved in the health and fitness supplement industry.

Saling everything from cure all cleanses to 'magic' juices, and all things in between.

Unfortunately, many people purchase these products expecting it to be some sort of miracle cure that will end all their ills.

Unfortunately, most of these products fall well short of the claim. Due to one simple fact they are not a high quality product.

On the other hand the 1 and only supplement that I consistently recommend to 99.9% of my clients, is a far cry from snake oil, and that is fish oil.

This is a product that you almost can’t take too much of; and while it is always best consume the best quality products possible, when it comes to fish oil I take the stance of any type is better than none.

If you choose to go for low price you can almost be assured that you will get what you pay for.

Many times meaning that you will end having to deal with a fishy after taste for a few hours.

Benefits the laundry list of benefits is endless but just in case you are feeling skeptical let me list off a few of the high lights:

Ø Improved cardiovascular health
Ø Improved circulatory function
Ø Improved immune function
Ø Enhanced nerve and brain function
Ø Joint health
Ø Increased glucose metabolism and insulin action
Ø Reduce soreness from physical stress
Ø Proper hormone function
Ø Lower triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol)
Ø Reduce bodyfat
Ø Improve physical and sporting performance

Personally I take 8-12 capsules per day.

However I better and more impactful story than that: After 8 months of trying I finally convinced my dad to take some fish oil, he has a chronic back issue, and is far from a picture of health.

That being said within two days of starting to take 4 capsules per, day he noticed that his back felt significantly better. To the degree that he has become a raving fan of the fish oil.

Just wait till I get him up to proper dosage, I can only hope that he keeps taking this small action of health.

I know I am going to do my part and keep sending him product.

So beware of the snake oil


Instead opt for some high quality fish oil. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised.

To Watch Learn more about fish oil and 19 other critical factors necessary for improving your health and fitness: Sign up for my 1 Step at a Time Fitness Success course at:
Troy M Anderson

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